Steven Dunbar, Associate People’s Warden

He and his wife Erin first attended a Christmas Eve service in 2004, and they have been dedicated members ever since. Their daughters Ainsley and Charlotte were baptized here and went on to be confirmed. Erin and the girls got involved with Sunday School early on. For a few years (before the pandemic started) he was on the Chancel Guild and would help out with the changing of the banners. The girls and Steve do the COBS Monday night pick-up for the Community Meal. They have been greeters on and off for years, with the girls joining once they were old enough. And every Shrove Tuesday you can find Steve in the kitchen making pancakes!

Steve is a real estate agent for RE/MAX Select. Also, in the last year and a half, he’s been working as a handy dart driver. Doing so has given him great joy, and he says it’s been one of the most fulfilling things he’s done in his whole life.

Soon he will be an empty nester. He wants to get back to being more involved in the community and serving this church. And one day, hopefully, he’ll be walking his girls down the aisle of St. Mary’s for their weddings.

Pronouns: He/Him


Anna Gebauer-Morden, People’s Warden