Kirkland Adsett, Music Director

I will be joining St. Mary’s starting on August 13th for the Feast of St. Mary.

I will be responsible for the planning of music around the liturgy for our worship each week and for festival services throughout the year. I will rehearse and direct our wonderful choir, and deal with all the administration that supports it – music, robes, composing and arranging music, and many other things.

In coming to St. Mary’s, my aim is to meet the musical needs of the parish as best I can. To this end, please know that I am comfortable and open to receiving any suggestions you might have. I look forward to the pleasure of meeting and getting to know everyone over the next few months and years. 

Pronouns: He/Him ~ Office Hours: TBD
604.261.4228 ext. 227 ~


Kingsley Genaille, Communications & Family Ministry


Jean James, Finance & Volunteer Coordinator