New Volunteer Job Opportunity

After more than 10 years your PWRDF Parish Representative (Jan Rups Levett) is stepping down effective from the Vestry meeting in February. The tasks the Rep undertakes are to keep parishioners up to date on the work of PWRDF in the world and to organize various fundraisers - in order to support this work. During my time as Rep. Some fundraisers have been as small as just making e.g. the World of Gifts catalogue available. On the other hand, some fundraisers have been enormous like the previous Silent Auctions and Trivia nights which with the support of a very capable committee were a huge success. Our main yearly fundraiser has been established now is the Lenten fundraiser - supporting work in an emergency situation or developing sustainability in vulnerable populations.

The job is what you want to make itYou are supported by a diocesan committee which usually holds meetings twice a year where Reps. from all over the diocese meet and we exchange ideas and get input from the committee. For me, the tasks undertaken I did on my own except for the large fundraisers where many wonderful parishioners offered support. We have also established that on the Sunday before Advent PWRDF is prayed for in particular. If this job is for you, you can chart your own path and bring all your own fresh ideas into reality to support this important Anglican outreach in our needy world.

Thank you for your support, Jan Rups Levett


Trivia Night: Info & Tickets


Giving Envelope Pick-up