Big Mail Out News

Our Fall brochure is ready and waiting for you! If you are attending worship this Sunday at St. Mary’s please pick up your envelope from the Narthex as you arrive. Your mailout includes a Fall brochure with all the dates and activities leading up to Christmas and a new brochure called a Guide to St. Mary’s.

In addition, we are hoping you will help us review the data we hold about you. There is a questionnaire included for you to give us your up-to-date contact information. Plus, we are taking the opportunity to ask you a few questions about how we communicate with you. Please take some time to complete and return the questionnaire to us. Completed questionnaires can be left in the boxes in the Narthex or at the Front desk of the office.

Here in the office, we want to thank everyone who has made this mailout a success, the contributors, the envelope stuffers, the proofreader, and of course Jean and Kingsley for putting the whole thing together and getting the presentation just right. Happy reading and we are looking forward to you getting involved!


Coffees with Clergy *2024 Dates


Picnic RSVP Request