Update on the Siddiquis, our Afghan Refugees

Freshta has now finished her 6-month contract with the law firm, and is looking for another job. This is particularly pressing, as our financial support for Freshta and her mother, Adela, officially ends at the end of December, and they will be on their own.

Any connections or ideas that you might have for available positions for which Freshta could apply would be very gratefully received. She has four languages, a degree in Business Administration from the American University of Afghanistan, has worked on a contract for the European Union, and her qualifications have been accepted in Canada. Her resume is available upon request.

The lease for the apartment that we have been renting for  Freshta and Adela is renewable on March 1st. We would very much like to be able to help them with the extra 2 months’ rent to take them to the end of February. We are therefore appealing for further donations towards this, with immense gratitude for all the support that you have offered up til now.

Freshta and Adela are so grateful to St. Mary’s for our support – a recent message said she “would like to thank God for blessing me with family members like you guys”. 

Nichola Hall,
Refugee Sponsorship Committee


We need more volunteer Christmas Bakers please!


ACW Calendar Update